Saturday 25 March 2017


Talk of silver lining.
The Nigerian Buhari administration, through the instruments of The Police, Army, Department of State Security (DSS) and all other agents of coercion at its disposal, has unwittingly done the popular singer a great favour. Imagine the publicity! In Newsweek? The youngman must be giddy at this development.
As regards the issues in contention, the world got to know about them in great detail. I would not be surprised if media houses like Aljazeera and CGTN (a.k.a. CCTV) dedicate full length documentaries to the remote and proximate causes leading to the protests. And how it panned out, including the rented pro-Buhari rally.
This whole nonsense would have been avoided if the government had simply let the protesters be. Now it is the no2 item on people's lips after the issue of Buhari’s health. Will the government learn from this debacle? I doubt it. It is so ossified in its ways. I pray that I am wrong.

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