Tuesday 19 September 2017


Which rule of which law?
Overstepping which bounds? Who told Ezeife, or any others, that Nnamdi Kanu WANTS TO BE ADORED?
There are only two ways to rein in Nnamdi Kanu's so-called excesses.
1) Join IPOB in superior numbers, resources and intellect so as to overwhelm him from within. You cannot do this from a distance, with a couple of online newspaper articles or blogs, from the comfort of your leather seetees.
2) Quickly establish a formidable (parallel) organization with unimpechable credentials, membership, financial and human resources with clear focus to address ALL the pet issues that make Nnamdi Kanu tick. Of course the membership must make out more time than Kanu has done so far if it will succeed in weaning away his current followership in IPOB. This is no job for quislings.
None of these two options is easy. If Ndigbo cannot commit to doing this, we have necessarily decided to let Nnamdi Kanu be. Sniping at him from the sidelines is not policy. It is abdication.

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