Friday 20 January 2017


John Brennan is under fire for a reason that runs counter to the current popular demand for openness in governance. The US is struggling to put behind it the matter of supposedly Russian hack into the DNC and the surprise election win by Donald Trump. Most people, with the exception of a few diehard Republicans, are prepared to go to any extent to "connect all the dots."
Did Brennan keep Congress in the dark while lavishly briefing The New York Times and others? And so they want his head. It probably didn't mattered since Trump claimed that the CIA was f**ked up anyway and didn't know what was going on. The worst aspect of the tragedy was that what limited information the GOP controlled Congress received was hardly ever acted upon. They sat on it in the bizarre fear that something sinister could crop up to upturn Trump’s inauguration, a most unlikely event in every scenario.
Come January 2017, Republican members of Congress may take the step of ensuring the "safety" of US intelligence operations by 
1) relocating to Moscow, and 
2) contracting out future CIA spooking activities to the KGB.
That should settle the dispute for good. And put Obama and the crazy Dems finally in their place.
The North Carolinans have taught us what you can do with a legislative majority, haven't they? For that we owe them a huge debt of gratitude.

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