Friday 20 January 2017



As the lawyers will say, it is trite to observe that the apparently simple matter of the Americans electing a president, in this case a Trump, has consequences that go beyond the wishes, needs and fears of its 300million citizens. We are all involved in this plot.
I have compared this opinion by Jonathon Van Maren with the analysis by Dr Ozodi Osuji.
Most interesting. 
The strange thing is that some of these "Christians" easily differentiate between lives that are worth saving and those those that don't count. Not to mention Native Americans and other minorities. Black adult lives mean nothing to them. Very dispensable especially in the hands of the white police force. Christianity is kept as an amulet under the pillow to be retrieved only at Easter, meawhile living a life of extreme hedonism. Forget Christmas. Church? That day is spent indoor completing the commercial ritual around Christmas Gifts - the unwrapping.
Married or not, a "Christian" couple lives together for twelve years with no offsprings, indicating either miraculously perfect non-arbotive birth control OR life as serial closet abortionists, but with no stigma. America stinks, whichever way you look at it.
These "Christians" will cheat on their taxes, keeping back money that should be applied to solving social problems. They vote against local and statewide propositions to provide more extensive mass transit, lest it allows poor and unwanted types into their neighbourhoods. Hence inability to get cheaply to work and back sustains the vicious cycle of poverty. These folks lavish love and money on their dogs but are resentful when a minority takes a walk in their neighbourhood. Remember Zimmerman. I am sure he is a Christian. If such specimens are Christians, then I am most probably Shinto.
I am amazed that the writer Vam Maren found it necessary to acknowledge that Donald Trump, who apparently "doesn't care much for religion or abortion issues", may turn out to be quite a gamble. That's thoughtlessness. The very future of the world as we know it may hinge on that faux pax. The Republican party had ample opportunity to chart the path to a much more rational candidate, a real adult, without the obcene baggage that Trump still carries with him. All this talk about "our better angels" must be strange to them.
If Hilary Clinton is actually as unpopular as she has been potrayed, then a Mitt Romney or John Kasich would have been able to beat her hands down. We would not have had to deal with this cliffhanger with the Russian hacks thrown in.
But no, the GOP chose to go down the path it did in an inexplicable readiness to sign a pact with the devil. Oh, the many things bad people do in the name of Christ. Verily, verily, I say that He will deny many of us come judgment day.

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