Saturday, 12 August 2017


A friend Adémólá Olúsúnmádé wondered on his Facebook wall if Nigeria truly understands that it imperils it's ability to attract the foreign investments (that it sorely needs), by the routine undermining of the judicial system. My response to this is that we do understand. However we obviously do not care.
Just try to follow the controversy surrounding the last three Federal Government administrations and Dr Bart Nnaji's GEOMETRIC POWER over the agreements signed for the defined Aba Industrial ring-fenced area. This is only one example. There are very many others. At times one wonders whether our many Attorney Generals went to Carpentry School.
With Buhari in power, how many have cared to rewind 30years to our engagements with the INTERINFA CONSORTIUM for building the moribund Lagos Metro Line? Allison Ayida, Phillip Asiodu, etc did not or could not get then Military Head of State, Gen Buhari to desist from scrapping that landmark project initiated by Alhaji Latif Jakande. To add insult to injury, when the matter went for arbitration in Paris (where else?), Nigeria lost and was required to pay up (and has paid) more than 70% of the project value, WITH NOTHING TO SHOW FOR IT! Fast forward to today; we thank God for Tinubu and Fashola, despite their human limitations.
It is clearly not politically correct to remind either Buhari or his friends. If we are to learn anything, it should be that to expect brilliance and foresight from those who are blank is futile.

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